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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why do I need a website?

A: A professional website can provide an invaluable and inexpensive way to market your practice, and is becoming a must for any practitioner today. The use of the internet by consumers to find information is expanding dramatically everyday.

Q: Can having my own website save me time?

A: Having your own website can save you and your staff countless hours having to explain your services, give directions and office hours, explain insurance coverage, etc. Also, by listing the conditions your practice can treat, people can find out about coming to see you for conditions they were not even for your speciality.

Q: I have a local practice. Isn't the Internet for searching all over the world?

A: Actually, the Internet has now become one of the main ways of finding information and for seeking practitioners. With our experience, people seeking holistic health services in your area will be able to find you and read about your practice. This is a huge competitive advantage over other practitioners without websites.

Q: Why get a website through us?

A: Provides a great way to get new referrals. Being holistic health professionals ourselves, our extensive knowledge of both the needs of healing professionals and our expertise of marketing on the Internet creates the perfect mix to get your message out, at a very inexpensive and affordable cost. The templates provided to you were specifically created to meet the needs of a holistic health practice.

Q: What would it cost me to create my own website?

A: Building a website can cost up to thousands of dollars, and it still does not provide the outreach and marketing expertise we provide as included in our basic package. Just having a website does not mean someone can find you unless your site is managed properly, which is our expertise.

Q: Do I need to know anything about computers?

A: No, for a basic site, you just need to be able to log onto the Internet and know how to type. We can do all the rest.

Q: What if I need assistance setting up my website?

A: We provide live phone support during our office hours at no additional charge to help get your website up and running.

Q: What if I want to make changes to my website?

A: We have designed these websites to allow you to change any of your text, select the link buttons that describe your practice (for example, some practitioners accept insurance so would want a button in the menu to lead to an insurance plan page). You can also customize the website colors, type font, and even select from a growing library of images we offer.

Q: How do I get the images I want into my website?

A: If you have a scanner, you can scan the picture for the website. We'll provide specific instructions. We'll also scan up to 3 images for you at no charge and load them onto your site

Q: How do I get referrals:?

A: There are a few ways our program can generate referrals for your practice. First, our website www.acupuncture-future.com is designed to draw people from all over to learn about Chinese Medicine and to find practitioners near them. Second, our other websites VisionWorksUSA.com and NaturalEyeCare.com already generate over 20,000 unique visits per month, and already is an excellent referral base for people interested in getting holistic treatment help. Third, we have an opt-in holistic newsletter of 6,000 people and growing that we can use to refer people for you. Fourth, we will be using our extensive knowledge of Internet marketing to reach out to people worldwide to help them find out about the services our practitioners provide. And, fifth, we will add your website listing to our resources sections on both websites, and to our find-a-practitioner section as well.

Q: Can I get a different website design made for my website?

A: Yes, we provide customization services priced on a project by project basis.

Q: How does the Monthly Newsletter work?

A: Each month we will issue a newsletter on Chinese medicine, and send it to you by e-mail. You are invited to submit as many articles as often as you like for publication in the newsletter. You have the option to have your practice information and logo on top of the newsletter we send to you, that you can then send to your patients as if it were your own monthly publication.

Q: What does "Search Engine" submission mean?

A: In order for your website to appear when a person enters words such as acupuncture and your city or county, your site needs to be submitted to the major search engines as well as have the keywords located in the correct places within your website. We provide this service for free. It may take 1-2 months for the search engines to pick up your site.

Q: What is a "Domain Name"?

A: This is the specific address (also referred to as URL) of your website that people would key into the computer in order to find you. These names typically start with www. and end in .com. So, for example, if your practice is called East West Clinic, your URL could be www.eastwestclinic.com. This address has to be submitted and reserved for you (if it is available). We provide this service for you for at no charge for as long as you are part of our program. This registration has to be renewed each year. You'll want to be sure that you add this url as well as your email address to your letterhead, business cards, and any brochures that you supply to patients.

Q: Can I sell products on my website?

A: Yes, we offer this package for a small additional monthly fee of $10 per month.

Q: How do I pay the monthly charge?

A: We will bill your credit card on file each month you are on our program. If you do not have a credit card, you can prepay 6 months at a time by check or money order.

Q: Can I discontinue my service at any time?

A: Yes, just contact us to let us know.

Here are some Internet Facts you'll want to know about.

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