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Free Search Engine Submission, Domain Name Registration, Email

Search Engine Submission

Google is now used by the majority of internet users. We'll submit your new site to Google by providing links to your site from our very strong alternative health websites such as www.NaturalEyeCare.com. We do not claim to submit your site to 1,000s of search engines, because we know that many of those "search engines" are insignificant, or can even be a liability to websites listed there because they are "link farms" or carbon copies of the same site with different names.

In addition, we've selected a range of keywords suitable for your services and have inserted them into both the hidden and visible code of your internet page -- where they'll do the most good.

Domain Name and Email

We'll register your domain name and pay for the registration for the first year. If you wish, we'll create an email account for you at your own domain - so that your email address will be yourname@yourwebsite.com. You'll be able to access this email account anywhere in the world.

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