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"... exactly what I was looking for in creating a website. With a variety of templates and designs to choose from the preliminary site came together easily and proved to be significantly less expensive than other services I looked into. The staff of consultants and designers helped me refine and shape the words and images to produce a website that is attractive, informative and professional. It has become an excellent tool to inform new patients about my work and is very useful in communicating with patients who are already working with me. I would highly recommend this service to anyone considering creating a website."
       -- Dr. Bruce Schneider, Chiropractor New Paltz, NY

Take a website home today!

Basic Package Offering

  • Website Implementation Fee $95 (includes 5 page links from the homepage)
  • Only a one-time $10 fee for each additional page link
  • Annual Hosting/Support Fee: $195 (averages $16.25 per month), or $25.00 per month on the monthly plan (minimum 4 months to start).
"I found it extremely easy to set up and the help from Michael was fantastic. He always answered my questions and was extremely nice to deal with. He helped me through the whole process ..... this was amazingly easy and inexpensive."
                         -- M. B., LaStone Therapist, Kildare County, Ireland

Position your website to reach new patients.

There are prospective patients nearby who don't know about you.

We'll take care of registering your domain name, setting up the hosting company, setting up email for you, and we'll also provide appropriate keywords and submit your site to the search engines.

Expand your practice!

Find out why we are so successful at generating patient referrals.
Our holistic website, receives 60,000 visits per month, with an opt-in monthly newsletter approaching 10,000 subscribers. We're in a unique position to reach the public and educate them on the benefits of alternative healthcare for their specific condition.

For Holistic Health
by Holistic Health

You don't need to know how to set up a website. We'll support you completely. Why? One of our missions in life is to make alternative healing practices available to everyone - so anything we do to help you with your own practice in your community - fulfills our own goal.

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